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Why Every Corporate Event Should Incorporate Florals


Updated: Jul 18, 2023

This may sound bias coming from a florist, but florals transform spaces and transport guest into a magical place. Something out of a Disney movie lol. Just because it's corporate doesn't mean it has to lack design creativity! The standard has been to only incorporate florals for a dinner gala, but why not create a new narrative. As a Floral Event Design Firm, we create ways to have florals apart of corporate events that amplify the brand message.

Our brand flower is the Lotus flower. It truly embodies and represent our company's story. The lotus grows in deep, dark, and murky water but it emerges on the surface as a beautiful bloom without dirt. It floats on top of the water carried by the streams. Across cultures, the lotus meaning equates to purity, strength, resilience, and rebirth. A lot of companies can relate to the process of growth and the meaning of the lotus. Hence, why having flowers at corporate events is deeper than just aesthetic.

It's less about the over the top floral display and more about how the floral art feeds into the design aesthetic and invoke feeling for the corporate attendees. Flowers spark conversation, ignite ambiance, transform spaces that truly makes an event memorable.

The next time you have a corporate conference, gala, showcase, retreat, anniversary party or any other type of event, consider these reasons to incorporate florals:

  1. Transform Space

  2. Donation for tax write off

  3. Elevate the design

  4. Accentuate tablescapes

  5. Speaks to the brand

Our corporate clients swoon over our professionalism, ability to ensure that their corporate culture is evident and amplified in our space designs, and our razor-focused execution style.

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